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Course for the Improvement of Spatial Visualization NO TE PINTES, MAQUÍLLATE. (Only available in spanish) Principios Básicos en Anatomía de la Pierna y el Pie
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AR Markers Printable PDF Markers Direct download
Discover Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that, by using markers, allows the combination of virtual images with real-world images in real-time.

Since we know a picture is worth a thousand words, we offer you this example to familiarize yourself with this new technology.

Books published in this collection
  • Technical Drawing
    Technical Drawing

    Course for the Improvement of Spatial Visualization

  • Anatomy

    Understand how the human body works.

  • Anatomy

    Principios B�sicos en Anatom�a de la Pierna y el Pie

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